Of all living creatures, birds are the group that is most at risk from environmental deterioration caused by human activity. Even the remotest ecosystem is affected in some way, raising the possibility that isolation will afford insufficient protection to any species; migrants are at special risk because they travel through areas where resting and feeding stopovers have diminished or disappeared. Degraded wetlands, remnants of natural woodlands, the large-scale replacement of coastal vegetation by concrete inevitably will reduce the diversity of ecosystems whose features cannot be replicated by open waters created for leisure, by single-species woodland plantations or by gardens and parks, although these do offer advantages to adaptable bird species. Species that are habitat specialists can all too easily be driven to extinction. Although mankind and birds have co-existed remarkably well in many parts of the world until recently, it can be argued that the relentless pace of extinction of bird species is symptomatic of world-wide ‘simplification’ of plant, insect, mammal, and fish species as a consequence of industrial-scale mass production of food for humankind, whose vulnerability to catastrophe would appear to be increasing because food ‘crops’ are monocultures produced at densities not tolerated in nature and potentially at risk from disease evolution. In the Palearctic, Nearctic and Oriental regions, primary habitats for birds are diminishing at rates that are often severe and increasing. Thousands of insect species are believed to have become extinct before they have been described, putting many hundreds of bird species at risk as one of their primary food sources reduces. However, it is likely that the more subtle effects of removing insect species from complex ecosystems, especially the forced changes to the food chains, few of which have been studied at all, will have severe and unpredictable effects in the longer term. The 6th International Eurasian Ornithology Congress aims to bring together ornithologists and bird lovers in general, to create a platform for knowledge exchange and to discuss the problems and their solutions. This Congress welcomes all humanitarians who care about nature, particularly avifauna. All subjects related to birds will be dealt in Congress sessions; there will be no other restriction on the topic of a presentation.
Organizing Committee
Honorary President
Dr. Nükhet HOTAR, Recteur of Dokuz Eylül University
Congress Chairman
Organizing Committee
Dr. Görkem ŞEN (chairman)
Dr. Kerem CANLI
Dr. Michael WINK
Dr. Çetin ILGAZ
Dr. Kamil CANDAN
Dr. Elif Yıldırım CAYNAK
Atakan BENEK
Dilay TURU
Congress Secretary
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (in alphabetic order)
Dr. Ahmet KILIÇ (Dicle University, Turkey)
Dr. Alfonso Marzal REYNOLDS (University of Extremadura, Spain)
Dr. Ali ERDOĞAN (Akdeniz University, Turkey)
Dr. Arnaud BECHET (Tour du Valat Biology Station, France)
Dr. Bernd LEISLER (Germany)
Dr. Çağan ŞEKERCİOĞLU (Utah University, USA)
Dr. Dieter Thomas TIETZE (NABU, Germany)
Dr. Eberhard MEY (Germany)
Dr. Einhard BEZZEL (Germany)
Dr. Feldner Josef VILLACH (Germany
Dr. Franz BAIRLEIN (Wilhelmshaven, Germany)
Dr. Giovanni Forcina (University of Alcalá, Spain)
Dr. Hans Christoph WINKLER (Austria)
Dr. Hans OEKLE (Germany)
Dr. Hans-Joachim FUNFSTUCK, (Germany)
Dr. İlhami KİZİROĞLU (Ostim Technical University, Turkey)
Dr. Jochen MARTENS (Germany)
Dr. Leszek Jerzak (University of Zielena Gora, Poland)
Dr. Levent TURAN (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Dr. Martin Wikelski (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Dr. Max KASPAREK (Zoology in the Middle East, Germany)
Dr. Mehmet SIKI (Ege University, Turkey)
Dr. Michael WINK (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Dr. Murat TOSUNOĞLU (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey)
Dr. Nils ANTHES (Germany)
Dr. Ortaç ONMUŞ (Ege University, Turkey)
Dr. Özdemir ADIZEL (Yüzüncü Yıl University, Turkey)
Dr. Özlem ÖZMEN (Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey)
Dr. Recep KARAKAŞ (Dicle University, Turkey)
Dr. Tamer ALBAYRAK (Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey)
Dr. Wolfgang FIEDLER (Germany)
Dr. Yossi Leshem (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Symposium Chairman
Dr. Michael WINK
Chairmans of Organizing Committee
Dr. Michael WINK
Symposium Secretary
Organizing Committee
Dr. Michael WINK
Dr. Bülent GÜNDÜZ
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE (in alphabetic order)
Dr. Alfonso Marzal REYNOLDS (Uni. of Extremadura, Spain)
Dr. Ali ERDOĞAN (Akdeniz Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Atilla DURMUŞ (Yüzüncü Yıl Uni, Turkey)
Dr. Bülent GÜNDÜZ (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Çağan ŞEKERCİOĞLU (Utah Uni, USA)
Dr. Franz BAIRLEIN (Wilhelmshaven, Germany)
Dr. Filios AKRIOTIS (Uni. of Aegean, Greece)
Dr. İlhami KİZİROĞLU (Hacettepe Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Jan-Åke NILSSON (Lund Uni., Sweden)
Dr. Levent TURAN (Hacettepe Uni., Turkey)
Dr. M. Ali TABUR (Süleyman Demirel Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Max Kasparek (Zoology in the Middle East, Germany)
Dr. Michael WINK (Heidelberg Uni., Germany)
Dr. Murat TOSUNOĞLU (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Olga DOLNIK (Charles Uni., Czech Republic)
Dr. Özdemir ADIZEL (Yüzüncü Yıl Uni., Turkey)
Dr .Özlem ÖZMEN (Mehmet Akif Ersoy Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Tamer ALBAYRAK (Mehmet Akif Ersoy Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Tamás Enikő Anna (National University of Public Service, Hungary)
Dr. Dieter Thomas Tietze (Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland)
Dr. Yusuf AYVAZ (Süleyman Demirel Uni., Turkey)
Dr. Zoltan BARTA (Uni. of Debrecen, Hungary)
Honorary Presidents (alphabetically ordered)
Prof. Dr. Yücel ACER
Rector of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale
Prof. Dr. Adem KORKMAZ
Rector of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur
Prof.Dr.İsrafil KURTÇEPHE
Rector of University of Akdeniz, Antalya
Congress Chairman
Prof.Dr. İlhami KIZIROĞLU
Organizing Committee
Prof.Dr.Dr.Ali ERDOĞAN (Chairman)
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Tamer ALBAYRAK
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Murat TOSUNOĞLU
Prof.Dr.Dr.Levent TURAN
Asist.Prof.Dr. Eniko Anna TAMAS
Local Organizing Committee
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Murat TOSUNOĞLU (Chairman)
Congress Secretary
Scientific Committee
Dr. Ahmet KILIÇ (Uni. of Dicle, Turkey )
Dr. Akriotis TRIANTAPHYLLOS (Uni. of Aegean, Greece)
Dr.Alfonso Marzal REYNOLDS ( Uni. de Extremadura, Spain)
Dr. Ali ERDOGAN (Uni. of Akdeniz, Turkey )
Dr.Atilla DURMUŞ (Uni. of Yüzüncüyıl, Turkey )
Dr. Eniko Anna TAMAS (Eötvös József College, Hungary)
Dr.Hakan SERT (Uni. of Akdeniz, Turkey)
Dr. Herbert Hoi (Uni. of Veterinarian Medicine Vienna)
Dr. İlhami KİZİROĞLU (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey )
Dr.Jacques BLONDEL (France)
Dr.Janusz KLOSKOWSKI (Uni. of Maria Curie, Poland)
Dr. Levent TURAN (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Dr. Matteo GRIGGIO (Uni. of Padova, Italy)
Dr. Mehmet SIKI (Uni. of Ege, Turkey )
Dr.Mehmet Ali TABUR (Uni. of Süleyman Demirel, Turkey)
Dr. Michael WINK (Uni. of Heidelberg, Germany)
Dr.Murat TOSUNOGLU (Uni. of Çanakake 18 Mart)
Dr. Olga DOLNIK (Charles Uni., Czech Republic)
Organising Committee:
Dr. Filios (Triantaphyllos) AKRIOTIS, Chairman (Uni. of Aegean, Greece)
Dr. Tamer ALBAYRAK (Uni. of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Turkey)
Prof. Dr. Ali ERDOĞAN (Uni. of Akdeniz, Turkey)
Prof. Dr. İlhami KİZİROĞLU (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Prof.Dr.LeventTURAN(Uni. of Hacettepe,Turkey)
Prof. Reuven Yosef (Director, International Birding & Research Center in Eilat)
Local Organising Committee:
Dr. Filios (Triantaphyllos) AKRIOTIS (Uni. of Aegean, Greece)
Lefteris KAKALIS (Uni. of the Aegean, Greece)
Eleni GALINOU (Uni. of the Aegean, Greece)
Maria NOIDOU (Uni. of the Aegean, Greece)
Dr. Timos THEOFANELLIS (Uni. of the Aegean, Greece)
Scientific Committee:
Dr. Triantaphyllos AKRIOTIS (Uni. of Aegean, Greece)
Dr. Tamer ALBAYRAK (Uni. of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Turkey)
Dr. Franz BAIRLEIN (Institute of Avian Research, Germany)
Dr. Einhard BEZZEL (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Jacques BLONDEL (CNRS, France)
Dr. Olga DOLNIK (Institute for Polar Ecology, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Ali ERDOĞAN (Uni. of Akdeniz, Turkey)
Geordge HANDRINOS (Greece)
Prof. Gisela KAPLAN (Uni. of New England, Armidale, Australia)
Dr. Savas KAZANTZIDIS (Forest Research Institute, Greece)
Dr. Anton KRISTIN (Slovakia)
Dr. Ahmet KILIÇ (Uni. of Dicle, Turkey)
Prof. Dr. İlhami KİZİROĞLU (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Dr. Janusz KLOSKOWSKI (Uni. of Maria Curie, Poland)
Prof. Dr. Levent TURAN (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Dr. Walther THIEDE, (Editor for Ornithologische Mitteilungen - Köln, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Michael WINK (Uni. of Heidelberg, Germany)
Prof. Reuven YOSEF (International Birding & Research Centre in Eilat, Israel)
Honorary Presidents (alphabetically ordered)
Prof.Dr.Mustafa AKAYDIN
Rector of University of Akdeniz, Antalya
Prof. Dr. Tunçalp ÖZGEN
Rector of University of Hacettepe, Ankara
Congress Chairman
Prof.Dr. İlhami KIZIROĞLU
University of Hacettepe
Executive Committee
Prof.Dr.Ali ERDOĞAN (Chairman)
Prof.Dr.Franz BAIRLEIN
Prof.Dr. İlhami KIZIROĞLU
Prof.Dr.Levent TURAN
Congress Secretary
Tamer ALBAYRAK (Uni. of Akdeniz, Antalya)
Local Organizing Committee
Cengiz GÖKOĞLU (Mayor of Boğazkent Municipality)
Selehattin ERİÇ (Director of SPA, Antalya)
Hakan SERT (Uni. of Akdeniz )
Hakan KARAARDIÇ (Uni. of Akdeniz )
Osman YÖNTEM (Forest service, Antalya)
Scientific Committee
Dr. Ahmet KILIÇ (Uni. of Dicle, Turkey )
Dr. Akriotis TRIANTAPHYLLOS (Uni. of Aegean, Greece)
Dr. Ali ERDOGAN (Uni. of Akdeniz, Turkey)
Dr. Anton KRISTIN (Slovakia)
Dr. Ehinhard BEZZEL (Germany)
Dr. Franz BAIRLEIN (Institute for Avian Research, Germany)
Dr. Gisela KAPLAN (Uni. of New England, Armidale, Australia)
Dr. İlhami KİZİROĞLU (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Dr.Jacques BLONDEL (France)
Dr.Janusz KLOSKOWSKI (Uni. of Maria Curie, Poland)
Dr.Lalitha VIJAYAN (India)
Dr. Levent TURAN (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Dr. Mehmet SIKI (Uni. of Ege, Turkey)
Dr. Michael WINK (Uni. of Heidelberg, Germany)
Dr. Mustafa KAYA (Uni. of Trakya, Turkey)
Dr. Olga DOLNIK (Institute for Polar Ecology, Germany)
Dr. Özdemir ADIZEL (Uni. of Yüzüncüyıl, Turkey)
Dr. Reuven YOSEF (International Birding & Research Centre in Eilat, Israel)
Dr.Walther THIEDE (Germany)
Dr. Yusuf AYVAZ (Uni. of Süleyman Demirel, Turkey)
Dr. Zafer AYAŞ (Uni. of Hacettepe, Turkey)
Honorary Presidents (alphabetically ordered)
Prof. Dr. Tunçalp ÖZGEN
Rector of Hacettepe Uni., Ankara
Prof.Dr.Yaşar UÇAR
Rector of Akdeniz Uni., Antalya
Congress Chairman
Prof.Dr. İlhami KIZIROĞLU
Hacettepe Uni.
Executive Committee
Prof.Dr.Ali ERDOĞAN (Chairman)
Prof.Dr. İlhami KIZIROĞLU
Hasan OĞUZ (Mayor of Boğazkent )
Doç.Dr.Levent TURAN (Vice Chairman)
Scientific Congress Secretary
Tamer ALBAYRAK (Akdeniz U. Antalya)
Scientific Committee
Özdemir ADIZEL, (Yüzüncüyıl U. Van, Turkey )
Zafer AYAŞ, (Hacettepe U. Ankara, Turkey)
Yusuf AYVAZ, (S. Demirel U. Isparta,Turkey)
Walter BÄUMLER, (TU, Münich, Germany )
Franz BAIRLEIN, (Journal f.Ornithologie, Germany)
Stuart BEARHOP, (Uni. of Glasgow, UK)
Einhard BEZZEL, (Falke, Germany)
Mahmut BILGINER, (Ondokuz Mayıs U. Samsun, Turkey)
Dan CHAMBERLAIN, (Uni. of Stirling, UK)
Ali ERDOĞAN, (Akdeniz U. Antalya, Turkey)
Michael EXO, (Institut fuer Vogelforschung, Germany)
Ramaz GOKHLASHVILI, (Georgia)
Max KASPAREK, (Heidelberg, Germany)
Mustafa KAYA, (Trakya U. Edirne, Turkey)
Eugene KHLEBOSOLOV, (Ryazan State Educational U., Russia)
Ahmet KILIÇ, (Dicle U. Diyarbakır, Turkey)
İlhami KIZIROĞLU, (Hacettepe U. Ankara, Turkey)
Anton KRISTIN, (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Bart NOLET, (The Netherlands)
Birsen ÖNALP, (Hacettepe U. Ankara, Turkey)
Mehmet ÖZ, (Akdeniz U. Antalya, Turkey)
Eric PASQUET, (MNHN, France)
Josef REICHHOLF, (Munich, Germany)
Jim REYNOLDS, (Oxford, England)
Mehmet SIKI, (Ege U. İzmir, Turkey)
Gernot STREY, (TU, Braunschweig Germany)
Walter THIEDE, (Ornit. Mitt. Germany)
Levent TURAN, (Hacetttepe U. Ankara, Turkey)
Reinhard VOHWINKEL,(Germany)
Reuven YOSEF, (Eilat, Israel)