Your name: (as it should appear on the name badge)
your affiliation:
your E-Mail:
We will send you a receipt of the conference fees once they have been transferred to the Bank account at University.
Fees for Participants and Student Attendees include:
The congress fees - covering: participation package, abstracts book (online), coffee breaks, lunch (19 & 20 May) at University House, congress trip and lunch in Ramsar site Jijia-Iași Wetlands (21 May)
These are the data for the payment of congress fees:
Fundatia Alumni – Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi
Bank Name: BRD-GSG (BRD – Groupe Societe Generale)
IBAN EUR: RO76 BRDE 240S V783 6183 2400
Please specify: IEOC_2025 fee
IMPORTANT NOTE: Participants are required to write the statement "IEOC_2025 fee" into the description of the reason for bank money transfer when transferring the congress fee.
After depositing/transferring the Congress Fee, Participants are also required to send the bank receipt to the Congress Secretariat with an email for a confirmation. cgache@uaic.ro and albayraktamer@gmail.com
Abstract Submission
The abstract will be send directly to congress secretary Tamer Albayrak albayraktamer@gmail.com
Before submitting your abstract, please read through our guidelines.
Each person can participate in only 2 presentations (1 oral + 1 poster; 2 oral; 2 poster).
Each abstract will undergo a peer review process. Based on the submitted abstract, the reviewer(s) will decide if your abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation or rejected.
Oral and poster presentations will be printed in abstract form in the Symposium proceedings book.
Abstracts are written in English will be accepted
Each person can participate only 2 presentations (1 oral + 1 poster; 2 oral; 2 poster).
All submitted abstracts should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical work.
The title should be qualified to reflect the content of work. The title should be the bold and first letter of each word will be capital. The title should not contain abbreviations.
Text should not exceed 250 words
The full names (last names fully capitalized) and affiliations of all authors (Department, Faculty, University, City, Country) and the contact e-mail address for the corresponding author should be written clearly. Academic titles should not be used. Foundations and addresses should be given with superscript. Name and surname of the presenter should be underlined.
The abstract should provide clear information about the research and the results obtained and should not exceed 250 words. Figures or tables are not allowed in the text. The abstract should not contain citations.
Names of funding organizations should be added to end of the text.
Instructions for Oral Presentations
Presentations will be presented by the corresponding author in English.
Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes long plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
The paper must be presented by one of the author or co-authors.
Oral presentations are to be made using the PC that will be available in the session room (Windows system + Powerpoint).
Instructions for Poster Presentations
Posters should be prepared in English
A poster dimension is length 100 cm, width 90 cm
The poster is supposed to be readable from a distance of 1.5-2 meters.
One of the paper author or co-authors must be present and available for discussion at the poster session.
The symposium is open to all aspects of Ornithology:
Conference fee (VAT included) Early registration (before 20 April 2025) Late and on-site registration (after 20 April 2025)
Participants 200 € 250 €
Students 100 € 125 €
Accomp. person. 50 € 75 €
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