Please contact me for detail information and further cooperations.
Latin (n.of speciment)
Parus major . ( 337 )
Passer domesticus . ( 247 )
Sitta krueperi . ( 175 )
Fringilla coelebs . ( 149 )
Periparus ater . ( 138 )
Aegithalos caudatus . ( 108 )
Turdus merula . ( 92 )
Cyanistes caeruleus . ( 86 )
Erithacus rubecula . ( 85 )
Phoenicurus phoenicurus . ( 84 )
Phylloscopus trochilus . ( 53 )
Phylloscopus collybita . ( 44 )
Serinus serinus . ( 41 )
Sylvia atricapilla . ( 40 )
Carduelis chloris . ( 35 )
Carduelis carduelis . ( 32 )
Passer hispaniolensis . ( 23 )
Sylvia curruca . ( 22 )
Troglodytes troglodytes . ( 21 )
Turdus philomelos . ( 21 )
Certhia brachydactyla . ( 20 )
Turdus viscivorus . ( 19 )
Emberiza cirlus . ( 17 )
Poecile lugubris . ( 16 )
Buteo buteo . ( 16 )
Muscicapa striata . ( 14 )
Phylloscopus bonelli . ( 13 )
Regulus regulus . ( 13 )
Sylvia melanocephala . ( 13 )
Certhia familiaris . ( 13 )
Iduna pallida . ( 10 )
Garrulus glandarius . ( 10 )
Regulus ignicapilla . ( 9 )
Pyrrhula pyrrhula . ( 9 )
Phoenicurus ochruros . ( 8 )
Lanius collurio . ( 8 )
Sitta europaea . ( 8 )
TUBITAK 1001 117O580
Determination of genetic diversity of Chukar (Alectoris chukar, Aves) within the framework of protection of National genetic resources, the creation of production, release and hunting strategies.
COST Action CA18134 G-BIKE
Genomic Biodiversity Knowledge for Resilient Ecosystems.
COST Action CA16224
European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility.
TUBITAK 1001 113O271
Investigation, conservation, and detection of genetic diversity of some forest songbirds within the framework of protection of National genetic resources
COST Action ES1304 ParrotNet
European network on invasive parakeets: Understanding invasion dynamics and risks to agriculture and society
MAKU BAP 0318-NAP-16
Molecular study on blood parasites of songbirds through the elevation in Beydağları Coastal National Park, Antalya
The mtDNA-COI Barcoding of Songbirds (Aves: Passeriformes) of Beydağları and its Comparison with Evolutionary Phylogenetic Trees Formed by the mtDNA-ND2 gene.
MAKU BAP 092-YL-16
Molecular study on blood parasites of songbirds through the elevation in Kazdağları National Park, Balıkesir
ALBAYRAK T. 2017. Morphometric variation of house sparrow, Passer domesticus in polluted and unpolluted areas in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26: 6857-6861
2016. Rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri populations and numbers in Europe: a complete overview. The Open Ornithology Journal, 9/1: 1-13. DOI: 10.2174/1874453201609010001
2015. Global phylogeography of the avian malaria pathogen Plasmodium relictum based on MSP1 allelic diversity. Ecography, 38: 001–009 doi: 10.1111/ecog.01158
2013. Parasitologic and Pathologic Observations of The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 44 (3): 564-569
2013. Chewing lice (Phthiraptera; Ischnocera, Amblycera) species found on some songbirds (Aves: Passeriformes). Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 19 (5): 755-760.
2012. Effects of Nuclear Power Plant Accidents on Biodiversity and Awareness of Potential Nuclear Accident Risk near the Eastern Border of Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21:No.11b, 3434-3436
2012. Geographical variation of haemosporidian parasites in Turkish populations of Krüper’s Nuthatch Sitta krueperi. Journal of Ornithology, 153 (4): 1225-1231. DOI 10.1007/s10336-012-0853-z